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Home > Weather in History 2015 AD onwards
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 Winter 2017/28 A notable SNOWY spell early in December 2017. Temperatures then fluctuated around average but then took a significant tumble at the end of the season.
 March 2018  Two very cold outbreaks. The first from the 1st to 7th, second from mid month which brought widespread snow on 17th and 18th, although not as severe as earlier in the month. Military support needed Devon & Cornwall, Avon & Somerset, Shropshire and Scotland on 1st due to snow. Temperatures 1.6C below 1981-2010 average.
July 2019 Record breaking heat over Europe on 25th. France significantly break records for warmest ever temperatures.

UK highest ever July temperature recorded at Cambridge Niab 38.1C

November 2019 7th November widespread flooding over South Yorkshire and Derbyshire. Village of Fishlake cut-off and under several feet of water. Customers trapped in Meadowhall Shopping Centre after attending Christmas Lights switch-on event. Roads and railways around Doncaster impassable.
Flood response becomes an election issue in UK.
Further flooding occurs on 14th November as low pressure over south of the UK. Most flooding in Midlands on this occasion.
13th November sees city of Venice flooded by highest water since 1967. Combination of high tide and 60mph southerly winds.

Bushfires in Sydney, Australia cause widespread destruction.

<< 2000 to 2014 AD

Researched and maintained by Dr. Simon Keeling
