I'm typing this as I think it; probably best to view this musing as getting inside Simon's head (trust me, that's somewhere you wouldn't want to be!). As I've been looking at the various long-range models I've been struck by how pressureI'm typing this as I think it; probably best to view this musing as getting inside Simon's head (trust me, that's somewhere you wouldn't want to be!).
As I've been looking at the various long-range models I've been struck by how pressure is forecast to build during the next three months by so many of them. This can only point to signs that winter weather may arrive towards the back end of the winter and into early spring is forecast to build during the next three months by so many of them.
This can only point to signs that winter weather may arrive towards the back end of the winter and into early spring.
The chart below is the three-month anomalies from the CFS model which clearly shows higher than average heights to the south of the UK and Ireland. Now we cannot be sure exactly where the high will be, the long-range models do tend to move around a little pace from day to day but the overriding story is one of those building heights. Given the dynamics of the atmosphere during the late winter I suspect that high could be to the east or south east and it's that which then leads me to believe we could be seeing some cold hits through February and March, but particularly focused from mid February onwards. Building my picture of thisoverriding story is one of those building heights.
Given the dynamics of the atmosphere during the late winter I suspect that high could be to the east or south east and it's that which then leads me to believe we could be seeing some cold hits through February and March, but particularly focused from mid February onwards.
Building my picture of this is the high-pressure which is forecast to build next week. This may give us some cooler weather went compare to recently, but nowhere near the depths of winter cold that one could expect in January. However it is colder than we've seen for some time. is the high-pressure which is forecast to build next week. This may give us some cooler weather went compare to recently, but nowhere near the depths of winter cold that one could expect in January. However it is colder than we've seen for some time.
There are recent similarities with the winter of 2015/16 when you write may recall that November, December and January were all mild as were early February but then things turned much colder late February and March.
I'm just wondering if we could see something similar this year and I'm on the lookout right now.
Will keep you informed.