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5 Weather Week Things to Know

There's a look of autumn about the weather this week as temperatures edge down (see below) and most of us see some rain. Here are the 5 Weather Things Things to Know ... 1. A cool and west day in western parts of England and Wales as well as Scotland and Ireland,

Analogues focus on the 1950’s for October & November

Here's an interesting chart. Its from NCEP in the USA and it's the 11-day forecast centred on 5th October showing the analogues (bottom right corner). Notice how so many of these dates (format is YYYYMMDD) are back to the 1950's. yes, there are two in the 2000's, but it is striking how

Spring 2017 again, but this time from the analogues

I mused yesterday about the latest thoughts from the Beijing met service about Spring 2017. High pressure was very much in evidence in their forecasts. Hoog van den Dool has now released his analogue forecast for spring 2017 (that's the months of March, April and May) and guess what? yes, high pressure
